Sunday, August 1, 2010

What Effects Our Personality and Upbringing?

~Brandon James Scott Scholl

Right now I’m taking Behavioral Science with University of Phoenix and this question was asked as a discussion question we were to answer. This is something to think about and consider:

Q. How do you think gender, race, and ethnicity have affected your behavior? Provide an example from your life where you have observed people from different ethnic backgrounds or genders behaving differently in the same situation.

A. I think that gender, race, and ethnicity all contribute majorly to the behavior of an individual.

I think that gender can contribute to all aspects of a person’s lifestyle. As various people from comedians to psychologists have explained before a man’t brain and a woman’s brain are to different things. A great way to explain it is a man’s brain is like a storage unit. You’ve got all of these boxes labeled various things, whether it’s mom, work, or certain events. None of these boxes are mixed in with each other and none of them touch. There are times, and I know I’m giving away the secret of men everywhere, that we don’t need to have anything going on. There are plenty of times that we just completely check out and don’t think of anything and sit there, possibly drooling. A woman’s brain, however, is the complete opposite. A woman’s brain could be best described as spaghetti. Everything is criss-crossing, overlapping, touching, and connecting at some point or another. A woman remembers just about everything because when you have a memory and emotion is involved in that event it’s hard to forget. There are times you can see all of this connection from a woman’s brain when they’re talking about shoes and then they’re talking about something completely different and the only way you can realize it is when you ask them or accidentally say the wrong thing.

Race and ethnicity can be observed about the same way. Race and ethnicity is basically the background and roots from where an individual’s morals, judgement, and intelligence comes from. Whether you’re an average individual that was born in the United States or if you are an average individual who was born in the Middle East you aren’t going to think, react, or judge things the same way.

A good example not necessarily in my own life but an observation of another person’s life is the current reading we have in my English class. We’re reading the Canterberry Tales by Chaucer and it’s about the middle ages when chivalry, honor, and morals were the center of everything. As we study the middle ages there were people there that would have gasped at the talk of premarital sex or homosexuality. Today, however, I believe because of the breakdown of American society it is now a common thing to accept premarital sex or homosexuality and not think anything about it. Because we look at those two examples the way we do now shows the difference in race, gender, and ethnicity from then and now.

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